About Me

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Welcome to The Shabby Chic Teacher! My name is Laura. I'm in my fourth year of teaching, my fourth grade-level and my fourth classroom. I'm excited to share my journey and creativity with you!


Using digital elements from
3rd, 4th, 5th - TeachersPayTeachers.com

September 12, 2011

Welcome to My Classroom!

It's official - I'm diving into the teacher blogging world!!

I'm a serial teacher blog stalker and thought why can't I do it too?  So here I am!  As my inaugural teacher blog post, I decided what better way than to give you a tour of my classroom.  This is my fourth classroom in my four years of teacher and I have transitioned from the building to the world of portables.  Yes, you read that correctly.  I'm a 5th grade teacher this year (I've taught 7th, 4th and a 3rd/4th split class).  Yes, you read that correctly again - it's my fourth grade level too!  ANYWAY!  All 5th grade classrooms on my campus are in the portables.  I do nothing halfway so when I got the news that I would be banished sweetly promoted to 5th grade I fully took the jump and accepted the challenge of doing an EXTREME makeover to the icky, nasty, funky smelling, 1970's trailer portable classroom.

Welcome to my room!

I'm including before and afters so you can see the transformation - because who doesn't love a good before and after shot :)


After - When we walk through the door and walk out, we have honorable character!

After: Our calendar area, my ginormo file cabinet, and the lovely built-in storage that comes with said portable.  

(Pretend like you don't see the 4 boxes of consumables that I have had yet to open!)


After: Teaching Area, Promethean Board/Smart Board, etc.


After: Teacher Desk Area "My Space"


After: Computer Area


After: Critic's Corner (Reading Corner)


After: Guided Reading Table


 After: Supply Central 

Even though I'm in the icky, nasty, funky smelling, 1970's trailer portable classroom, I'm really happy with how it turned out! 


  1. Looks good so far. Welcome to the blogging world. I am also a newbie at this. I put my blog up last school year, but I am just now really starting to get into it. I am now following your blog and would love for you to visit mine at:


    Happy Blogging:)

  2. To help get your new site out there, I am awarding you with the Versatile Blogger Award. Visit my blog at
    to find out more information and to grab a pic of the award. Congrats!

  3. Thanks so much Patti!! I'm honored!

  4. Congratulations on starting a blog! I am your newest follower. I hope you'll visit me at my blog.

    Pitner's Potpourri

  5. Welcome to the teacher blog world! I am thinking about doing the same thing! I am only student teaching right now but I am all about having a place to store and share teacher tips! VERY cute blog you have! visit me (for now) @ bunchofscrap.com

  6. Great Post! Moving into a portable for the fist time next year! Your pics show a great transformation into making it cozy and all yours! But a question~Not sure what state you are in, but what about fire codes in portables? Are there exceptions with bringing in your own lighting or rugs etc?
